Imagine yourself walking through streets of London. What can you see if we forget about Moulin Rouge, Starbucks, etc? Probably a bunch of people, but if you look carefully you don’t see just a crowd of people, but a crowd of individuals expressing their selves with their own fashion styling. Everyone is special in its own way and makes this world with its difference more and more colorful. Sorting people into different clothing styles it’s pretty similar to sorting people in different personalities groups. On one hand it’s true that you never totally fit in one, but on the other hand these categories help you identify yourself, so check out to which clothing style you belong! :) WESTERN STYLE Associations: jeans, cowboy boots, brown leather...CASUAL STYLE Associations: shorts, pants, tennies, flip-flops
Associations: cute, sexy dress
HIPPIE STYLEAssociations: baggy clothes, headbands worn around the head, bellbottoms, tie dye, bright colors
SPORTY STYLE Associations: sweats, t-shirts, tennis-shoe
VINTAGE STYLEAssociations: older styles, 70’s, 80’s
FORMAL STYLE Associations: nice dress, heelsROCKER STYLEAssociations: band logos, skinny jeans, leather, converse
HIP-HOP STYLE Associations: shoes-forces, dunks, high tops; baggy jeans