Piercings are a great way for you to express yourself, no matter where you get them. Some people choose to get normal, surface piercings, but other people decide that they like piercings that are a bit more difficult and longer lasting, called dermals. Dermal piercings are more like implants that will be less likely to reject from your skin. One of the most popular locations for dermal piercings is on the back dimples, especially for women. The back dimples are right above the butt area and look sexy on a shapely woman, especially when she is wearing low-rise jeans or even a bikini. If you’ve been considering getting a back dermal piercing, there are some things to take into consideration.
Things to Consider:
- When you get back dimple piercings you have to understand that their placement can make them a bit of a hassle. They can often get caught on your jeans, pants or clothing which can be very painful, and if they should get caught and tugged at, they can be pulled out of your skin. If your jeans rub on them, the irritation can also cause them to give you pain.
- They are in an area which is hard for you to see. Of course, other people will be able to see them, but you may find yourself having a hard time cleaning the piercings and you will most likely not be able to change the balls on the top of the dermals yourself.
- Because dermals are not full implant piercings, they can be fairly easy to remove if you should decide you ever want to take them out. Usually you can get them removed at the same tattoo parlor you got them done at, but if not, your doctor can easily take them out in a routine office visit.
- Back dermal piercings can reject if they are not properly taken care of during the healing process. You are usually told to sit with proper posture and you should also avoid wearing tight clothes that may cause irritation to the new piercing.
How Back Dimple Piercings Are Done:
Back dimple piercings are not really difficult to get done. When you go to get them done, you will probably be asked to unbutton your pants, or roll the top of the pants done to give ample access to the area being tattooed. Your piercer will take a pen or a marker and make dots where the piercings will go. You will be asked to see if that is where you want the piercings to go. Once you are happy with the location, you will be able to get the piercing done. There are two different ways that you can get the piercing done. Usually, the piercer has a preference of a method.
- The piercing can be done with clamps and a needle. The skin will be grasped with the clamp and a needle will be used to pierce the skin and make an L-shaped pocket for the dermal to sit.
- The piercing can also be done with a surgical punch. When you have the piercing done with the dermal punch, you will see that your piercer will use a surgical punch and twist it into your skin to pull out the piece of skin where the piercing will sit. This is said to be the less painful method and it has a protective mechanism to prevent it from going too deep into the skin.
Once the pouch has been made for the piercing to sit in, the dermal will be pushed in place with tongs and then covered over with a bandage, which you can remove a few hours after the piercing has stopped bleeding. You will want to clean your piercings regularly with a salt water soak, which you can prepare at home. You can also opt to purchase a cleaning solution, like H2Ocean at your piercing parlor. You can apply the cleaning solution to the piercing with a paper towel or a tissue, but remember to use a new one each time, as tissues and towels are likely to accumulate dirt and cause infection.
Healing and Changing The Balls
Your back dimple piercings will heal up in about one to three months, and after that time, you will be able to change the balls on the top of the dermal anchor. You will want to have your piercer check your piercing to see if it is fully healed before having the balls changed, and if you take the new ones you want put on, your piercer will be able to do it for you, either for free or for a small fee. if you try to change the balls before the piercing is healed, it can be extremely painful and can cause the piercing to either migrate or reject. There are many adorable balls you can put on your piercings, so don’t worry that you’ll be stuck with the original ones forever.
Back dimple piercings can look great and are extremely sexy. If they are something you’ve always wanted, be sure to find a piercer you trust and schedule the appointment to get them. As long as you care for them properly, you’ll have your piercings to enjoy for years to come!